K-Way, quite literally, is the modern raincoat. Born from a small, simple idea, the packable jacket didn’t just solve a problem, it opened doors. Representative of freedom and flexibility, K-Way jackets let you live your life and say “yes” to adventure, no matter the weather.
Biological beauty products for kids. The nailmatic kids nail polish is a fun and toxic free nail polish. It can be washed off with warm water and features a long entertainment factor. The Nailmatic Kids biological lipgloss features great taste and great looks!
Rauchstrasse 2, 81679 München
Carola Castien Gmbh
Tel: +49 (0) 89 90777744
Fax: +49 (0) 89 90777741

At HOT LAVA’s head office in The Hague, The Netherlands and in Bali HOT LAVA’s team create every season a kids and a women’s collection made of free flowing, soft fabrics, natural materials and stunning colours. This combination of elements is what makes HOT LAVA unique in its proposition.